Joomla blog posts from around the web (09/11)


Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 9.

Joomlabamboo is now an official sponsor of the Joomladay in India now has more than 7,5 million visitors per month!

Community Magazine online has published a feature article by JoeJoomla.

Zen Simpleshop Joomla templates, Lacuna Joomla template released by Anthony Oslen

Joomla 1.5  framework, extensions, and templates are converted to Joomla 1.6.

Have a great week! Grows Nearly 25% in Four Months

Written by Steve Burge

Late last year I blogged about's growth over the last two years. Essentially the site had  become 50% busier in that time, with the then attracting 6 million visitors per month. Well, the release of Joomla 1.6 accelerated that growth so rapidly the site has grown by nearly 25% in the  last four months.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla Templates updated to Tienda 0.7

Written by Anthony Olsen

I've just released the update for both the Shopfront template and the Zen Simpleshop Joomla templates  which make them compatible with Tienda 0.7.0. The folk at Dioscouri have added some nifty new stuff to  this release as it creeps closer and closer to the Version 1.0.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla! 1.6 Beginner's Guide by Hagen Graf

Written by Amy Stephen

The Joomla! Community Magazine announced that Hagen Graf, author of the first ever Joomla! 1.0 book, is  sharing electronic copies of his new Joomla! 1.6 Beginner's Guide free of charge. You can also purchase a  copy, just like I just did, on Lulu for around $16 USD.

Read the complete post here...

Why you should avoid using /index.php in your site's logo

Written by Fotis Evangelou

A common error most people do when finishing up a webiste with Joomla! is forgetting to change their  site's logo link from e.g. to just

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Introducing the Lacuna Joomla Template

Written by Anthony Olsen

After a slight delay - well a long delay really - I'd like to introduce the Lacuna Joomla template. The  Lacuna Joomla template is a fun Joomla theme with a rich array of bold colours, mixed with smooth  gradients and subtle textures that combine to create a beautiful and elegant design for your Joomla  website. Lacuna comes with a slick new K2 template as well as the usual flexibility of the Zen Grid  Framework.

Read the complete post here...

Update on Joomla 1.6 Conversion Progress

Written by Andy Miller

Over the past two months we've been diligently working on the process of converting our Joomla 1.5  framework, extensions, and templates to Joomla 1.6. As we've explained in previous blog posts, this is not  a trivial task and on top of our existing heavy development workload, this has taken more time than we had  originally anticipated.

Read the complete post here...

Joomladay India

Written by Anthony Olsen

I'm very happy to announce that Joomlabamboo is now an official sponsor of the Joomladay in India. The  lineup of speakers looks very interesting with some International guests scattered amongst the local  contingent.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla Community Magazine

Written by Alan Langford

This month the Joomla! Community Magazine online has published a feature article by JoeJoomla. You do read  the Joomla! Community Magazine don't you?

Read the complete post here...

A new look for the Joomlabamboo Blog

Written by Anthony Olsen

It has been sometime since I last redesigned the Joomlabamboo site and for at least the last six months  I've been itching to get in and do it again. Back in December I deployed the new template for our  knowledgebase area and while I have some grand plans for a complete revisioning of the whole JB site I  thought I would spend an hour or two and push the knowledge base template onto the blog and give it a tiny twist.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla! Help Wanted: Looking for a Volunteer with PostgreSQL and VCS Skill

Written by Amy Stephen

Sam Moffatt, a member of the Production Leadership Team (PLT) on the Joomla! Project, is responsible for  JoomlaCode, amongst many, many other project responsibilties.  We need someone in the community with  strong skills in PostgreSQL and experience working with version control systems for release management, to  volunteer to help the community by working with Sam.

Read the complete post here...
Read 6082 times Originally published on Monday, 07 March 2011 14:00
Last modified on Monday, 07 March 2011 15:01
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