Joomla 1.7.1 released

Joomla 1.7.1 released

Today, the Joomla Production Leadership Team released Joomla version 1.7.1. This is the first patch upgrade of Joomla 1.7 and is recommended for all users. In addition to 3 security fixes, it also includes 96 tracker issues fixed in SVN.

Most of this release is about fixes, although there are some new features as well.

New features

  • Multi-Language Status Module: Added a new administrative module called mod_multilangstatus. This module is designed to check your configuration of the multi-language feature and alert you of any problems in the site's configuration. See the Joomla community blog for more information.

  • Added three new installation languages: Basque, Bulgarian and Scottish Gaelic.

Issues Fixed

Administration Template manager missing toolbar icons 26609
Administration Detect a BOM in configuration.php 26026
Administration Moving an existing single menuitem to another menu. using the drop down in 1.7.0 * 26512
Administration Test for native ZIP in system information + some minor stuff 26690
Administration Trash option available while viewing trashed items 26644
Administration Menus caching issue 26518
Administration Users can lock everyone out of the administrator* 26356
Administration File and package installations are not updateable via the Joomla! Updater 26818
Administration Add joomlacms and cli folders 26793
Administration Menu Manager Menus issue with module assignment 24654
Authentication and Login Users Manager Log In Form Required Field Indicator 24310
Browsers global configuration broken in IE9 26448
Code Style Fix some mistyped and @package names in the CMS 26396
Code Style Clean up admin and installation CSS 26710
Components Modules manager showing error of undefined constant COM_MODULES_ERR_XML 26542
Components [#26423] com contact - rendered extra string via var_dump() 26814
Components com_content Form View $article object that does not exist in the _prepareDocument method on line 115 26701
Components com contact -- add finishing touches to sortname fields* 26423
Components *Wrong param in display date in category listing 26837
Components Front end article display duplication/omission when author linked to trashed contact or when two co 26673
Components *Register to read more redirects to login page not registration 26696
Components Submenu items in deeper menu-levels appear although they have no active parent item 24275
Components banner manager- clients - empty trash icon 26433
Components Warning in the search 26452
Components Banners Manager - trash icon visible when no trashed banners 26432
Components Client does not properly display in Extension Manager Update view 26522
Components Search word is required for com_search view 26695
Components Weblinks - several issues 26574
Database Session storage overflow leads to 26622
Database Category descriptions too short / no warning when truncated 26686
Database Improper datatypes in database 25307
Installation *Sample data button can be clicked twice 26657
Installation Make the installation more suitable for smaller screens 26534
Installation JUpdate target platform test 25471
Installation Remove unused view file in com_installer 26474
Installation PHP version check at installation says Joomla 1.6 26443
Installation xx-XX.lib_joomla.ini file not installed into /language/xx-XX folder 26803
Installation Prepare 1.7.1 upgrade process 26756
Installation Problem installing with another language than default 26872
Languages Multi-language site setting new user language always to default 26717
Languages Incorrect terminology in Language Switcher module 26416
Languages untranslated string from *.xml 26502
Languages mod_languages: cache does not work properly with menu associations 26454
Languages Typo in new installation using the sample data 26431
Languages Langaugefilter plugin - wrong default for menu_association 26552
Layouts Login description containing markup displayed regardless of presence of content 26753
Media Manager Flash uploader is broken 26603
Modules Incorrect references to com_user 26654
Modules Language switcher module wrong link with menu associations when no SEF 26683
Modules Modules should be able to be saved with no position. 26766
Modules wrong file name 26510
Modules Loadposition does not load more then one module 26446
Modules No translation in title column of module manager 26470
Modules com_modules language has a typo. Patch attached 26543
Modules Syndication RSS Feeds (module) not working in Joomla! 1.7.0 Stable 26483
Modules No translation when adding extra quick icons 26706
Modules *mod_multilangstatus missing case 26852
Platform Sync more changes form platform 11.2 26781
Platform Sync JParameter changes from platform 11.2 26823
Platform Undefined index: CLIENT in updateradapterscollection.php 26445
Platform Unused JDate code causing "Catchable fatal error" 24532
Platform Sync more changes from platform 11.2 26533
Platform Sync more changes from platform 11.2 26691
Platform Catchable fatal error: Object of class DateTimeZone could not be converted to string 26694
Platform Missing return in modeladmin.php 26568
Platform Sync more changes from platform 11.2 26631
Platform [patch] fix for router notices * 26501
Platform Favicon disappears 26451
Platform Alternative Menu Items / JCategoryNode Showing Errors 26459
Platform Sync more changes form platform 11.2 26824
Platform Fix some minor code style differences between trunk and 11.2 26822
Platform Improvements to batch processing 26844
Plugins Loadmodule plugin ignores its style setting 26827
Plugins Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.4 26594
Sample Data Beez 5 default values 26498
Sample Data Fix typo in sample data (rev. #22070) 26806
Sample Data Duplicate entry for session 25706
Sample Data *Ordering column issue for _menu table in sample_data.sql 26655
Sample Data Typo in sample data 26682
Sample Data Increase at jml_redirect_links table fields old_url, new_url and referer up to 2000 symbols 26789
Sample Data Updating README 26867
Search Engine Friendly Update robots.txt due to the commit of 26793 26836
Templates Powered By 1.6 image 26601
Templates CSS for system message should be the same in installation screen and the rest? 26318
Templates wasted space by images / javascript source files 25761
Templates Sample data module pages new styling and style corrections. 26829
Templates Inconsistency in Admin Template options - Show Site Name 26496
Templates Add stats toolbar icon 26715
User Interface Untranslated Strings DELETE="Delete" Media Manager > Details View in iframe 26490
User Interface Incorrectly labeled folder in the Media manager + Options tips 26535
User Interface Incorrect english not en-GB 26499
User Interface Incorrect english in template 26497
User Interface Improve the headings in the installation 26350
User Interface Improve english grammar 26500
User Interface Modules position filter looks odd and behaves wrongly in modules view 26792
Read 8785 times Originally published on Monday, 26 September 2011 20:28
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 08:44
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