Kristoffer Sandven

Kristoffer Sandven

Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.

Website URL: Email:

Gnome on the RunA while ago, I announced my 'Joomla Greatest Challenge' Contest.

The contest involved writing about what you think is the greatest challenge in using Joomla.

The winner has been now been chosen.

Thursday, 22 October 2009 10:45

What's Your Twitter User Name?

TwitterMany readers of JoomlaBlogger are already following my Twitter account (around 1,200 followers at this time). At the same time, I believe many of you would probably also like to connect with other readers of this blog.

To facilitate this, please use the comments function in this post to share your Twitter username. Make sure to leave a link to make it easier for us to quickly follow as many of you as possible.

Thursday, 10 September 2009 17:51

Submit Your Use Cases for Joomla 1.6 ACL

Amy Stephen has done a remarkable job evaluating the upcoming ACL system for Joomla 1.6.

She has shared her thoughts and suggestions for improvement of the ACL system in a video.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009 19:30

10 Ways to Fail at Joomla

Avoid failing at Joomla

I was surfing Twitter and the Joomla Forums today and noticed people complaining about a lot of issues. Many of them were 'victims' of one or more of the following reasons people fail at using Joomla:

  1. Not taking the time to learn the basics
  2. Using a bad template
  3. Not having a backup plan
  4. Installing a new version without doing a backup
  5. Not bothering to read and understand the security checklist
  6. Not learning even a tiny bit of CSS
  7. Installing new extensions on a production site without testing them
  8. Ranting and shouting in the forums, thereby losing out on the help you would get if your were thinking before shouting
  9. Oops, I guess I couldn't think of anything more - how about you?
  10. ?
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 08:40

A Joomla Supporters Club?

Brian Teeman wrote a blog post not long ago, where he suggested several ways that Joomla could do more than it currently does, but that they all required extra funding.

Now, he suggest a solution to the funding challenges of the Joomla project.

Thursday, 25 June 2009 13:42

Clarifying the Joomla Roadmap

Many Joomla user wonder about what is going to happen to Joomla in the future. Where are we headed, and how long do we have to wait for the features we long for?

In this post, I'll give you an overview of how Joomla is going to progress in the years to come.

Saturday, 13 June 2009 21:00 on Joomla - dissected

This is kinda old news for many of you, but if you haven't already seen it, head on over to

The recently relaunched site use Joomla - and it's a clean and nicely done site.

Saturday, 30 May 2009 00:31

My top 10 reasons to use Joomla


Joomla! CMS is a great choice for a website or a blog.

These are the top 10 reasons why I love to use Joomla.

Saturday, 13 June 2009 22:00

Joomla user? Contribute to the project!

As all Joomla users know, this CMS is open source, which in our case means it's made by volunteers across the globe. These people have a burning interest in making Joomla the best CMS out there.

How about you? Are you ready to contribute? It might seem hard to contribute to an open source project, but there are many tasks available other than programming the core of the system. In this article, I suggest some ways you may contribute to the Joomla! CMS project.

Tuesday, 05 July 2011 11:39

Thank you for subscribing!

best-of-joomlablogger-book-300px-white Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter!

I have already sent you a welcome email with some useful information and Joomla coupon codes.

As promised, here's the link to the free 52-page ebook with some of the most popular posts from this blog.

Download The Best of (PDF)



Get 50% off on the "Blogging with Joomla" ebook

Being a Joomla user, you might be interested in the ebook "Blogging with Joomla!". In this book, I share the insights gained after years of blogging with Joomla.
Even if you are not blogging, this book will give you a lot of information you can use while building any site with Joomla.
The book is available as a downloadable ebook (PDF) and has 287 pages.
The normal price for the ebook is $9.
As a new subscriber, you can get
this ebook at half price - only $4.50!


Have a great week!

Best regards,

Kristoffer Sandven
Founder and author

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