
Displaying items by tag: K2Mart

VirtuemartVirtuemart has been the largest ecommerce solution for Joomla for a number of years. However, the component has started to show signs of age.

The way VirtueMart was built is quite different from how Joomla is put together, and a growing number of users are feeling frustrated about the system.

In this post I take a look at the current state of the VirtueMart project (as I see it), and the future ahead of us. Will VirtueMart keep up?

k2mart-logoAs a Joomla user, I hope you're familiar with the Content Creation Kit extension K2 from JoomlaWorks. It's a great piece of free software from our Greek friends.

In the beginning of September this year, Joomlaworks released their new component K2Mart. K2mart integrates Virtuemart and K2, allowing you to build your product catalog using K2's advanced content, taxonomy and templating options with Virtuemart's powerful cart and checkout functionality.

This week, version 1.3 of K2 Mart is out, with several exciting new features. Among them, better image handling and a new

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