15% off TechJoomla social extensions for Joomla in April

techjoomlaAs you might have seen, I try to find a monthly, discounted Joomla product for you. Normally, this is through a coupon offered by a template or extensions developer. April is no exception.

This month I am able to present a 15% discount on all products from the Indian developer TechJoomla.

Techjoomla offers a wide array of commercial as well as free, open source Joomla extensions covering a wide array of requirements. Examples are extensions that improve the capabilities of JomSocial and Community Builder.

Use the code JBTECHJOOM to get your 15% discount when shopping at TechJoomla.com.

Focus on Social Networking extensions

Among the products offered by Techjoomla are the JomSocial and Community Builder PowerPacks.

JomSocial PowerPack

This pack sells for $97.50 (Powerpack + 6 months subscription of updates) or $179.00 (Powerpack + 12 months subscription of updates).

JBolo! is an extension that will integrate Facebook & GMail like chat into Joomla!, JomSocial & CB based Social Networking websites


The People You May Know module intelligently shows you people you are most likely to know, by searching common friends between your friends

The Network Suggest module intelligently suggests the logged in user who else he can network with, based on matching profile information.

The Mutual Friends plugin displays mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page.

JomSocial Featured Modules Pack

  • Featured Albums: Shows the albums that are selected as featured by the admin in jomsocial.
  • Featured Videos: Shows the videos that are selected as featured by the admin in jomsocial.
  • Featured Users: Shows the users that are selected as featured by the admin

Community Builder PowerPack

The CB PowerPack has the same 4 modules as JomSocial, but does not have the Featured Modules Pack included.

  • JBolo! extension
  • People You May Know module
  • Network Suggest module
  • Mutual Friends plugin

This pack sells for $80.00 (Powerpack + 6 months subscription of updates) or $150.00 (Powerpack + 12 months subscription of updates).

New invite extension released

jinvitexAfter a long development periode, TechJoomla recently released Invitex, their Viral Invitations solution for Joomla, CB & JomSocial. The first release comes with support for directly typing email addresses, CSV import as well as the ability to import contact from a variety of Email providers. .


  • Integrates Seamlessly with Plain Joomla, Community Builder, JomSocial.
  • User can send invites by manually entering the email-id of the inviters.
  • User can import email-ids from any of the supported email providers.
  • Admin can limit the no. of invites to be sent in one attempt by the user.
  • User can upload a CSV file to get email-ids from.
  • User can resend the invites to the same invitees.
  • The Invitee is added a friend of the inviter in case CB or JomSocial is being used , after the user registers.

Learn more about the TechJoomla products and take advantage of the 15% discount

Read 5817 times Originally published on Friday, 16 April 2010 11:00
Last modified on Sunday, 25 April 2010 23:15
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