7 blog posts you should have read

7 blog posts you should have read

There are a lot of posts on this blog now, and many of them are hidden in the depths of the archives.

In this post, I'll highlight seven posts from this blog (and some others) that you might have missed.

This idea came from a post over at Problogger.net, where Darren Rowse challenged his readers to do a post like this. And I like challenges, so here goes.

The challenge was to provide 7 links in one post to the following types of content:

  • Your first post
  • Post you enjoyed writing the most
  • Post which had a great discussion
  • Post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written
  • Your most helpful post
  • Post with a title that you are proud of
  • Post that you wish more people had read

Here are my responses:

My first post

My first post on this blog was actually about Joomla 1.6. The post was called Joomla 1.6 - what to expect. Reading it now, I see that a lot has changed since then. We're now at Joomla 1.6. beta 5, and I hope we'll have a stable release this year.

Post I enjoyed writing the most

I always enjoy writing blog posts, but some are more fun to write than others. One of them is the post called Joomla user? Contribute to the project! Everything related to people getting involved in the Joomla project in their own way is something I really enjoy writing.

Post which had a great discussion

One of the most discussed posts on this blog is the recent post called Should the Joomla core be lightweight or feature-rich? I really enjoyed seeing people engaging and writing lenghty comments about this subject. It was obviously something people care a lot about.

Post on someone else’s blog that I wish I’d written

One of the first posts I read over at Brian Teemans blog was the one called Automatic Joomla updates. It really is spot on concerning a problem many Joomla users don't even know excists.

My most helpful post

This one is hard, because I don't really know which posts my readers find the most helpful. I've done a lot of tutorials, but I think I'll pick the one on securing your Joomla site, called Secure your Joomla sites before they are hacked. That post gave a lot of good comments and Twitter messages, so I guess people enjoyed reading it and was helped by the information.

Post with a title that I'm proud of

Normally, I'm kind of pragmatic when it comes to blog post titles. I want them to tell what the post is about and not be too "tabloid". However, I think the title Free yourself with Joomla template overrides works well, as it implies that your life will be just a little bit better if you understand the concept of template overrides ;)

Post that I wish more people had read

I'll choose the post I named How Joomla modules and menu items work together for this one. Not because it wasn't read by a lot of people, but because I see this question appearing all the time in forums and such.

So, there you are - 7 posts about Joomla that I hope you will enjoy and might not have seen before.

    Read 6722 times Originally published on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 22:00
    Last modified on Wednesday, 01 February 2012 13:54
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