One year - 200 blog posts! What a ride!

JoomlaBlogger 1 year celebrationIndeed, what a ride!

I just realized that two days ago, it was one year since I published the first post on this blog.

Since then I've published over 200 posts about Joomla and SEO. And it wouldn't have happened without the support of a very special person: YOU!

I want to thank you for reading my blog, following my newsletter and Tweets.
I want to thank you for using Joomla.
And I really hope to interact with you as a reader and Joomla user in the future.

I've come to know a lot of people because of this blog. Online, first and foremost. But soon I will have the opportunity to meet a lot of these amazing people in person, at the J! and Beyond conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. I'm really look forward to seeing you guys. To talk shop. To hang out. To explore the diverse aspects of German drinking culture ;)

Stay tuned - and don't hesitate to send me your suggestions for topics to explore on this blog. Comment on the posts and interact with other users. Sharing is what makes a vibrant Joomla! community.

Again - thank you reading and sharing!


Read 82758 times Originally published on Friday, 21 May 2010 12:42
Last modified on Friday, 21 May 2010 13:03
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